Fitness Anytime You Need: We now offer 24/7 Gym Access!

about us

serving the Princeton area as your guide on the journey to a healthier, happier self

our mission

We are not just a fitness program. At CrossFit Princeton we are a vehicle for life change. Anyone that has been a member at CrossFit Princeton for more than a few months can testify to the unique environment that is fostered by our coaching staff and our community.

This place has become a “third place” for many of our members outside of the work and home life.

It’s a place they come to unwind, work off stress and know that they can be their true authentic self.

No matter what your background is, your age, race, religion, or political beliefs… In this gym, we are all athlete on the same journey. In this gym we all root for each other. We all push each other through difficult times, we all celebrate breakthroughs both physical and mental. In this gym, we all may look and act a little different but we are all part of the CrossFit Princeton family.

The small ripple effect that occurs from nurturing happier healthier humans, extends from gym life to the world around us.



positive & challenging environments promoting health, fitness, well being & community

our story

As a Captain for Princeton Fire Department I know the importance of being fit for my health and for the health of others while I’m on duty. I found CrossFit 8 years ago and it changed my life. I was overweight and my health wasn’t the greatest. I felt ashamed of how I let myself go. I changed my life and so can anyone else with the right attitude and determination. I’ve tried every fad diet and workout plan but the community of CrossFit is made it finally work for myself.



Mark Thomason


Bryan Garretson


Jennifer Gross




Calvin Justice


Les Thomason


Ashley Ellison



getting started is easy!


Talk with a coach about your goals and learn how we can get you to your best self.


You have defined your goals and you are ready to begin your journey. We will start you strong by taking you through the fundamentals of training and sound habits putting you on the road to success!


Once you have the basics down you’ll book classes easily on our app, enjoy the workouts with awesome people and reach your goals in no time!

CrossFit Princeton





Simply fill out the form below and then schedule Your FREE No-Sweat intro Consultation on the next page.

Shortly after we will be in touch with you to confirm your intro session.

We are excited to meet you!



Growing up Mark was always playing basketball, football or riding bikes with his friends.  Mark enjoyed staying active with paintball and caving during his high school and college years. After starting his career as a professional firefighter Mark became very sedentary and living an unhealthy lifestyle. Knew he needed a change so he started at CrossFit Princeton a few days before his 29th birthday in 2013 and life immediately changed.

I CrossFit because:
With being a firefighter I must be able to perform my duties to the fullest and CrossFit helps me achieve that.  I enjoy the variety.  Every day is different and you’ll never get bored.  There’s always a new skill to work on or a new number to shoot for on weightlifting.

I coach because:
If it wasn’t for the great coaching I received when I started at CFP I wouldn’t be where I am today. I want to help others with their fitness goals just like I help the community while being a Lt. for the city.

My favorite exercise is:
Olympic Lifts!

My favorite “cheat” meal is:
Deep Fried Everything is my weakness


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



Bryan is a WVSP Trooper of 16 years and a WVSP SWAT Team member of 11 years. He is a CF Level 2 Trainer and has a total of 23 years in fitness. He has been doing CrossFit for 7 of those years and coaching for 6 years.

Bryan won the CrossFit Team event at the Arnold In 2014, won The Nevada Police and Fire Games in 2015 and placed 3rd place in that event in 2016. He was 133rd in the WORLD in the CrossFit Open in 2017 making the Age Group Online Qualifier 35-39 year olds and was number 2 WORLDWIDE in Law Enforcement that same year earning him a spot to compete at the World Police and Fire Games in Los Angeles!

“CrossFit best prepares me mentally and physically for what I face day to day in life, at work and at home.”

” Competition is just a way to keep pushing forward and to not let me stay in a comfort zone.”


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer




Growing up, I played basketball and softball all through school. After graduating high school, I discovered CrossFit and fell in love with it. Since then, I have been active in training and I love to coach and help others. I am a registered nurse (RN) on a pediatric unit and I love devoting my time and effort to helping others inside and outside the hospital!

I CrossFit because:

I love the atmosphere and community aspect of CrossFit! I love the variety of workouts and the challenge that each movement brings. CrossFit allows me to challenge myself and it makes me do things I am not good at which brings me out of my comfort zone. CrossFit allows me to constantly learn, whether it is about technique, body awareness, or even learning about a new member and their lifestyle. Not to mention I CrossFit because it keeps me sane!

I coach because:

I love helping others. I love connecting with new members and getting to know them. CrossFit is a passion for me and how awesome is it that I get to share this passion with others! Being able to watch others grow, mentally and physically, is so rewarding! Being able to experience and witness others succeed keeps me wanting to learn more and grow as a coach. 

My favorite exercise is:

Squats and cleans, it’s a close favorite!

My favorite “cheat” meal is:

Campestre’s and Sweet Frog!


CrossFit Level 1 Certification




Paul is an automobile technician by trade but also a hardcore advocate for health and wellness.  His CrossFit story began in 2012, a year after losing his father to pancreatic cancer. Paul has made it his personal mission to help others become the best versions of themselves through nutrition and fitness.  Outside of the box, Paul is an amateur race car driver. His wife Amanda and stepdaughter Olivia are both avid CrossFit athletes as well.

I CrossFit Because:

I love the variety and intensity.  No two days during the week are the same as far as workouts go.  Just like life, you never know what is going to be thrown at you.  CrossFit prepares you for anything and everything.  

I Coach Because:

We live in the state with the highest level of chronic disease and obesity in the nation. From children to adults we need to reverse this trend.  We are the front line for this effort. I want people to understand CrossFit isn’t just about what you see on TV. CrossFit is for every day people both young and old who want to live healthy and full lives.  I love to see people succeed in their efforts as they overcome hurdles they previously deemed insurmountable. Being fit is an addictive feeling.

My Favorite Exercise is:

That’s a tough one.  I love power cleans but the rig is where I perform best.  

My Favorite “cheat” Meal is:

CHOCOLATE.  I have a major sweet tooth.  Chocolate is my kryptonite. 


CrossFit Level 1 Certification




Calvin played baseball and football in high school. He was also part of the cross country team. He has always had a very active lifestyle and enjoyed sports and the outdoors. It wasn’t until after he was married and a couple of years after the birth of his daughter in July of 2015 that he got into CrossFit. Ever since the first day he was hooked. He went on to get his CF-L1 in April 2019 and continues to learn and grow each day

I CrossFit because:

I enjoy working out in an environment where you feel like part of a family. Also everyday is a different workout, so you don’t get bored. It motivates you to beat yourself so you’re always pushing yourself harder than the day before.

I coach because:

I enjoy perfecting my CrossFit abilities. There is no better way to do that than helping others perfect theirs as well. 

My favorite exercise:

Snatch or anything with the barbell really!

My favorite “cheat” meal:

 Any kind of candy!


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



Les played football in high school. Has always been into sports his whole life. Always enjoyed weightlifting and did the whole fitness center thing for a couple years but eventually got bored with the same routine. Decided to try CrossFit back in 2014. After severely breaking his ankle playing football in June of 2014, doctors told him he would never be able to do the things he used to so he got out of shape and was miserable. After a year and a half he decided to give CrossFit another try in early 2016 and has been going ever since. CrossFit has changed his life. He’s in the best shape he’s ever been in. If he can do it, defying all odds, with a permanent injury, anyone can.

I CrossFit because:
I love fitness and CrossFit is never the same. Everyday is different so theres no getting bored. Theres always new goals to work towards.

I coach because:
I enjoy helping others learn a new skill or work towards a goal they have.

My favorite exercise is:
Gymnastics movements: pull-ups, muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, etc.

My favorite cheat meal:
Mexican food or chocolate.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification



Growing up I was heavy kid who’d eat anything that didn’t eat me first. I struggled with my weight until my eleventh grade year of high school, where I lost weight the wrong way. Starving myself and not giving my body the nutrition I needed. I was a cardio queen, running and staying far away from any kind of weight. Fast forward a few years, I was in a abusive relationship physically and mentally. I wanted an outlet but I also wanted to be stronger to take it, or fight back if needed. I knew Mark and Amanda and I knew their box was where I wanted to be. Not just because of the crossfit atmosphere, but the family atmosphere they encouraged.
I CrossFit because:
I had my daughter who got to go with me, she got to workout with me, and she got to push me to go harder everyday. I immediately knew CFP was where her and I needed to be. It was an outlet for me. It was my safe place when nowhere else was. I had friends that became family and people I know who would have protected Josey or myself at any point in time. We eventually got out of that horrible situation, and another thing motivated me, I had to be a single mom and show my daughter what it was like to be strong and independent. Crossfit gives you the confidence you never thought you could have. I was very self conscious, and didn’t believe in myself at all. With the members and coaches at CFP being encouraging and helping you, that changes everything.
I coach because:
I knew after just a few months of crossfitting, I wanted to be a coach. I wanted to help others the way they had helped me. I love seeing the members do things they never thought they could and how excited they get, that never gets old! Actually becoming a coach was seriously a dream come true and as I’m trying to get better on this health journey, and getting to share that with others and help them, there’s nothing like it!
My favorite exercise is:
My favorite cheat meal:
Chick Fil A mainly the cookies


CrossFit Level 1 Certification


To Request a membership hold, please fill out the form below. Warning, by filling out this form your membership will not be put on hold. This form is simply a way to let us know you would like to request a membership hold. We will then review your request, then reach out to you to confirm.


Please fill out the form below and one of our team members will review your request. Warning. The submission of this form does not cancel your membership. We will review your request, then reach out to confirm.


We Would Love To Meet You!

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing
coaches will be in touch asap! We are excited to meet you!


We Would Love To Meet You!
Class Sizes Are Limited.

If you would like to reserve a spot... Simply fill out the form below letting us know what day you might come by & one of our amazing coaches will reach out to you to reserve your class.


$15 Per Class

OUR Information:


718 Bee St, Princeton, WV 24740, United States




We Want To Offer You
The PERFECT Membership For YouR NEEDS.

Simply fill out the form below
& one of our amazing coaches
will send you our current
membership information.